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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste.

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Después de haber visto tanto en los pilares de madera

Después de haber visto tanto en los pilares de madera de nogal, debemos prestar atención al contenido del nido de la hembra. Tome un nido sucio y reemplazarlo con una pizarra limpia. Y guardar algunas de las nido contenidos en la base de la jaulPOKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAa, ya que el contenido es generalmente nido en la parte inferior de la jaula se moverá de nuevo en el nido. Para arreglar el nido para que se vea bonito, por lo general las nueces finamente arrancado las hembras como los machos o las nueces de nogal pelusa de la propia mujer. Si en la pelusa nido existente, entonces firmar pronto bertelor progenitor femenino. Para acelerar el proceso y reducir el riesgo de lesiones debido a la pelusa bertelor arrancado, podemos entrar en una jaula de algodón fino como un sustituto para degustar la pelusa.
855online.com AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Del mismo modo, consejos de éxito y cómo las nueces ganaderas que puedo dar al criador novato que se detuvo por este blog. Espero que pueda mejorar el éxito de una granja de nuez para todos ustedes que tengan la intención de convertirse en un hobby y un canario criador fiable. Otros criadores, a la inversa. No se desanime si no una granja de nuez. Debido a las fallas que podemos aprender y adquirir la experiencia. Recuerde, la paciencia dará frutos es dulce. Ninguna excepción para el cultivo de una kenari.TIPS canario GANADO PARA PRINCIPIANTES
En los canarios de cría que hay varios factores que se deben considerar es la edad de las nueces, el género, medios de apoyo a la ganadería y la ciencia animal.
Edad ser el factor determinante en el éxito o fracaso de los canarios de cría, la edad no es el mejor en la cría demasiado joven o demasiado viejo. Walnut ganado listo para un mínimo de 6 meses y 8 meses canario hembra para los machos canario, pero a una nuez grande y sus derivados, tales como Yorkshire lujuria un poco lento por lo menos 1 año de edad.
Usted como criador debe dominar rasgos masculinos canario o mujer, en la determinación del sexo de las nueces es bastante difícil para los principiantes, pero para HOBIS altos muy fácil de especificar lo suficiente el aviso de canario postura aunque en algunos casos hay una nuez a veces muy difícil de determinar el tipo de sexo. Las principales características:
1. Nueces joven macho ± 1,5 meses de eda
RAJAPOKER88.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAd o más han comenzado a aprender el sonido / ngriwik. 2. Ukuan cuerpo / cuerpo tiende a inclinarse hacia los hombres (longitudinal), el cuello bastante largo, si el cuerpo de la mujer se ve un poco redondeado. 3. Anus varones cuando se ve (por cierto que la pluma soplada alrededor no bloqueo) en posición vertical / vertical, si lo contrario hembra / horizontal. 4. Los machos adultos sonaron fuerte y ngeroll.

Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

Mantenimiento de Planta

Mantenimiento de Planta
Las principales actividades incluyen las actividades de mantenimiento de plantas de nuez moscada siguientes sbagai.

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En el período transcurrido desde la semilla de nuez moscada se planta hasta la edad de 1 mes a considerar cuidadosamente la observación de las plantas de semillero de la planta son el crecimiento anormal o muerto pronto bordado o reemplazados con nuevas plántulas.
Cómo bordar se descarga inicialmente semillas de plantas tanto tiempo, entonces las nuevas plántulas de bolsas de plástico con las raíces removidas y el medio. Las semillas se plantaron en medio del hoyo de plantación es vertical y el suelo alrededor de la base del tallo en cámara pelan.Setelah condensan terminado el bordado de inmediato con agua según sea necesario.

Plantas de nuez moscada necesitan agua suficiente, como si la falta de agua en la fase vegetativa inhibirá el crecimiento de brotes y raíces. Mientras que la falta de agua en la fase generativa resultado la pérdida de flores o frutos, dando como resultado una menor producción y calidad de la fruta, lo que resulta en una menor producción y calidad de la fruta.
El suministro de agua y el riego debería ser suficiente, sobre todo durante la estación seca (dry). La fuente de agua puede provenir de ríos, lagunas, embalses y pozos Pantek. En la cosecha de nuez moscada recién sembrado, riego se puede hacer 1-2 veces al día, sobre todo si no está lloviendo. En el cultivo de nuez moscada crecido, el riego se puede adaptar a las condiciones del suelo.
Cómo regar se puede hacer con el sistema de la red o tuberías de PVC de fontanería plantados en el suelo y la distribución de agua juego de equipos pompamuntuk. El suministro de agua se puede controlar sólo cuando sea necesario y una cierta cantidad. El riego también puede ser el sistema de encendido (rociadores) o una máquina de goteo para que digerakakkan agua entubada empapa dapatmmemancar promedio gráficos deseados.

Weeding y escarificar Tierra
Un mes después de la siembra del cultivo de la tierra por lo general la nuez moscada jardín lleno de malas hierbas (malezas). Las malas hierbas deben ser eliminados debido a las malas hierbas serán un competidor para los elementos nutritivos de las plantas de nuez moscada en caso de necesidad, el agua y la luz solar, incluso las malas
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA hierbas a veces se convierten en plagas o enfermedades. Arrancar malas hierbas se lleva a cabo a continuación, sobre una base regular, es decir, cada 3 meses o cuando la hierba ha vuelto a crecer.
Weeding se realiza la limpieza de las malas hierbas debajo de la copa de la planta, a unos 30 cm-50 cm de la base del tallo. Escarifique el suelo mientras deshierbe se hace con cuidado, entonces el suelo cerca de la base del tallo o raíz ditimbunkan emerge de la tierra.

Protectores de árboles
Las plantas jóvenes son generalmente tidaktahan contra el sol caliente. Por lo tanto, para no dañar las plantas tienen que estar preparados suficientes árboles de sombra. Después de plantas 4 años de edad, los árboles de sombra pueden diperjarang.

Para asegurar que las plantas de nuez moscada crecen bien y producen continuamente alta, la fertilización debe hacerse. El fertilizante puede darse fertilizantes orgánicos (estiércol, compost) y fertilizantes (urea, TSP, y KCL). Excelente fertilizante orgánico para mantener el suelo y su fertilidad trivia. Condiciones de fertilizante orgánico es un elemento importante de N debe estar contenido en los compuestos orgánicos para ser absorbido fácilmente por las plantas y fertilizantes no deje el resto de los ácidos orgánicos en el suelo.
Abono inorgánico que más se necesita es nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (K), así como elementos de macro o micro nutrientes tales como Zn, Cu, Mn, y otros.
Dada fertilizante compuesto por 1 kg Urea + 1,1 kg + 1,2 kg TSP KCL por árbol. El fertilizante fue dado 2 veces al año, es decir, al comienzo de la estación lluviosa y al final de la temporada de lluvias, ajustando el contenido de los elementos de los fertilizantes utilizados. El estiércol puede dar origen ha sido preparado, así que la contaminación entre cultivos con sustancias nocivas puede ser evitado.

MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYASumberr fertilizante orgánico y el contenido mineral de cada tipo de fertilizante tersebut.Sebelum fertilizado, limpiado alrededor de las plantas primera y luego hizo una zanja que rodea la copa de la planta ancho de 2-10 cm de profundidad. fertilizantes sembrado en ella y luego la cerró de nuevo.

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Vendere semi di fiori attraverso il seme è

Vendere semi di fiori attraverso il seme è stato adattato al clima tropicale in Indonesia. Molti dei fiori provenienti dall'estero che possono essere coltivate facilmente anche qui, come bulbi di tulipano dai Paesi Bassi. Tuttavia, questi tulipani possono prosperare con una temperatura di 10-15 gradi centigradi e cercare di evitare la luce solare diretta diversi come l'Indonesia e Paesi Bassi, che è un paese subtropicale. Tulipani possono essere trovati negli altopiani SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014con la temperatura dell'aria è fresca e abbastanza umido. Per quelli di voi che sono interessati a piantare i tulipani questo dovrebbe risiedere negli altopiani che i tulipani sono piantati non appassire anche la morte.
I fiori vengono coltivati ​​sekaigus destinati ad abbellire i dintorni fanno in una bella casa. Pertanto, il fatturato dei semi di fiori di vendita attraverso il seme è ormai abbastanza alto considerando il numero di persone che vogliono crescere i propri fiori a casa. Come prendersi cura semi di fiori sono anche abbastanza facile perché di solito è venduto in un piantine statali in vasi o sacchetti, rendendo più facile quando si desidera passare a una nuova substrati di coltivazione. Sementi di fiori ottenuti attraverso il seme è più costoso perché il processo di crescita che richiede un sacco di trattamento speciale se confrontato con piantine talee. I risultati di interesse di solito c'era più bella e varia in quanto dipende dalla qualità e condizioni prima saranno piantati semi di fiori.
Ci sono molti tipi di semi di fiori. Semi di fiori di qualità superiore che vengono scambiati come bianchi crisantemi, crisantemi gialli, rose rosse, rose bianche, girasoli, tulipani, fiore di loto, gelsomino, ibisco e frangipani fiori pure. Semi di Lotus flower facili da trovare e di solito sono venduti a prezzi stracciati perché petumbuhannya che tende rapidamente e substrati di coltivazione che non è troppo difficile. Il fiore di loto è derivato dai semi di solito producono petali più grandi, con colori vivaci come il rosa brillante. Ma il fiore di loto ha bisogno della quantità di luce solare che è sufficiente a mantenere la sua bellez
danmogot.com Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesiaza. Altri fiori sono venduti con variazioni di prezzo e il più costoso è un seme di tulipano perché richiede particolare attenzione.Incoming search terms:

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tulipani in Indonesia
Se si vuole godere dei tulipani nel proprio campo, si può imparare a piantare i tulipani corretti. La prima cosa da fare è se si acquista tulipani fiori, non tarda a piantare il tubero. Piantare i tuberi in autunno circa sei-otto settimane prima del congelamento. Buon terreno per piantare bulbi di tulipano con temperatura del suolo è inferiore a 60 gradi Fahrenheit. Tutti i tulipani non piace eccessiva umidità. Idealmente, il terreno deve essere asciutto, sterile, o sabbioso. Estate pioggia, sistemi di irrigazione, e di terra bagnata faranno i tulipani morire. Pertanto, si dovrebbe davvero prestare attenzione a come piantare i tulipani corretti.
Come mantenere i tulipani
Se si pianta tulipani, si deve essere consapevoli della presenza di ratti. Un sacco di produttori di tulipano che utilizzano una varietà di modi per inibire il ratto interrompono tulipani vegetali. Per saperne di più sul trattamento dei tulipani si deve prestare attenzione a come piantare bene tulipano. Se i ratti sono un grosso problema per voi, è possibile proteggere bulbi di tulipano con filo. Inoltre non dimenticate di annaffiare le tulipani solo durante la stagione secca. È inoltre necessario fornire del concime ogni anno. Dopo crescente
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Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Because of the properties, the Indians hibiscus

Because of the properties, the Indians hibiscus mix into coconut oil which is then boiled. Subsequently the mixture was used to stimulate growth, cope with hair loss and prevent or treat dandruff, namely topically on the hair and scalp.
Agen Bola IndonesiaEspecially for anti-dandruff, there are advocated to wear as many as 15 flowers in a cup of coconut oil. For those who do not particularly like the smell of coconut oil, other oils can be substituted, such as olive oil.
Because of its benefits as a shampoo that is, the Indian society has traditionally used the leaves and flowers of shoes as a mild shampoo for babies. In this case, you should use a liquid that is not too thick.

Reproductive Health
Perhaps it is hard to believe, leaves, roots and flowers of hibiscus plant has been used to treat various menstrual process. The use for this purpose not only in India, but also people who live in other continents.
Decoction of the leaves and flowers were hereditary properties known to maintain the smoothness or regularity of the menstrual cycle, controlling excessive blood loss and treating a variety of disorders associated with the menstrual cycle. Even more astonishing, the use of hibiscus as a contraceptive.

Wound Healer
The leaves and flowers have antiseptic shoes. Therefore, it can be used to help accelerate the process of wound healing. Quite simple manner, ie by mashing the leaves and flowers that have been washed into a kind tapel and directly attached to the injured area.

Agen Bola TangkasEfficacy was also been supported by the results of scientific research that uses hibiscus extract for artificial wound healing in rats. The results were encouraging and showed good prospects.

Overcome Flu
For those who want to be free from disease of the airways, try drinking a decoction of flowers, leaves or roots of Hibiscus. The stew was shown to overcome disordered breathing in cold conditions, such as cough, asthma and disorders bronchitis.Kembang shoes or in Latin, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is not only beautiful to decorate the garden, but also has many health benefits.
Javanese people call it by name Wora-wari, while the Balinese call waribang. In the article in English, this plant is also called the Chinese Hibiscus or shoe flower.
Originally the plant itself is not clear, however, thought to have co
Roller Blindsme from East Asia, and includes a group of tropical and sub-tropical plants. Tree height can reach 4 feet, erect and many branches, so suitable for use as a hedge plant. The leaves are dark green, with a shiny surface and part of the leaf edges are serrated. The flowers have a diameter of approximately 10 cm with color colorful flower crown, namely red, white and orange.

Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Excessive watering the orchid plant will result in impaired growth

Excessive watering the orchid plant will result in impaired growth. Excessive water will wrap around the surface of plant roots, so the roots will have difficulty breathing. Excessive absorption of water by the plant will also result in an easy orchid pests and diseases.
Items will be collected at the top of the water so that the bud orchid plant will be easily infected by fungus or bekteri. Diseased shoots will FINALLY blackish brown and die.
The frequency and volume of the water supply in different orchid plants, depending on the type and state of the environment. Monopodial orchids like Vanda sp., Arachnis sp., And Renanthera sp. a type of plant that require direct sunlight intensity. Therefore, these types of orchids require more water than other types of orchids. Watering during the season kemaru done at least twice a day.
Factors Determining the Frequency and Volume Watering Plants Orchids Ona. Orchid Plant TypeTypes of orchids greatly affect the frequency and volume of water provision. Orchid plants that grow with the intensity of direct sunlight, such as orchids or
Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 terrestrial orchids types of soil, such as Vanda, Renanthera, Arachnis, and Renanthera, and litofit types of orchids, such as Dendrobium, and Phalaenopsis, requires more water than the orchid species other. Especially if the weather is extremely hot conditions, provision should be made more water. Watering during the day should be done with caution because it will cause leaf burning plants. Watering should use a syringe to wet the entire surface of the plant.
In contrast to the above types of orchids, for this type of epiphytic orchids (Cattleya and Oncidium), semi-epiphytic (Brassavola, Epidendrum, Laelia), and saprophyte (Goodyera), will need less water. The supply of water is done once a day. This type of orchid plants are very susceptible to excess water. If there is water saturation, so plants will be susceptible to root rot.
A good time to plant watering orchids is in the morning around 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm and afternoon and at around 16:00 to 18:00. Watering during the day will be at risk, because it makes the burning of plant leaves. When plants experience drought during the day, you should not rush watering, as orchid will not experience death only because of lack of water for several hours. Watering should be done once the weather is not so hot.
b. Orchid Flowers Growing MediaMedia planting orchids greatly affect the frequency and volume of water provision. The quality of the growing media is very influential in terms of the ability to absorb and bind water. Thus, the frequency of administration and the volume of water between the plant medium one with another planting medium is different. Planting medium that has a large water absorption of different watering needs with planting medium small absorbent. In orchid growing media that has good water absorption, such as coconut fiber, fern, or Kadaka, requiring less watering once a day is enough. Meanwhile, the growing media that has low water absorption, su
Poker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesiach as charcoal, becahan brick or tile, or wood shavings and pieces, requires a volume and a higher frequency of watering.

Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Results breeding jackfruit with Cempedak fix 4 properties simultaneously, namely:

Results breeding jackfruit with Cempedak fix 4 properties simultaneously, namely:1. Smaller fruit size (so that once finished eat fruit)2. Easy peeling fruit skin (practical and not gummy)3. Fleshy thick, gently scented with a sweet flavor.4. Plant early maturing and prolific, at the age of two years since planting has begun to bear fruit.

Dulang Jackfruit is one of the first pieces of jackfruit seed can be found in the local Sunday market in South Jakarta and surrounding areas.Dulang jackfruit has a bright yellow flesh with a large fruit shape and thick and has a very sweet taste with a little water content so that the content was crisp.Weight Jackfruit Dulang can reach more than 20 kg with an average productivity of 20 fruit / tree / season.With a strong rooting conditions, plant jackfruit Dulang can very well if used for conservation of sloping land (steep).As with any other type of plant jackfruit, an ideal place for the growth nagka Dulang is an area with an altitude up to 700 m above sea level with loose soil and a little sand. Dulangi nagka plants require high rainfall of between 2500-3000 mm / year to be able to grow and produce well.Cultivation GuidelinesDulang jackfruit plants can be propagated easily by seed. However, propagation of seedlings using Adala connection means the best way to get the fruit of jackfruit seeds Dulang within 2-3 years after planting.Dulang jackfruit tree seedlings that have germinated can be planted in the planting hole measuring 40 cm x 40 cm x 30 cm. Each hole should be left in the open for 2-3 weeks to ensure the death of microorganisms which can be detrimental to the growth of seedlings and about 10 kg of manure. Dulang jackfruit seedlings can be grown on land after reaching a height of over 50 cm.MaintenancePemupukkan jackfruit plants can be given in the form of NPK fer
SenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesiatilizer (15-15-15) as 25-1000 grams per plant per year. This fertilizer is given three times each year. However, after the plants begin to bear fruit, given enough fertilizer 1-2 times per year.Rod on jackfruit plants can grow new shoots and leaves that need to be disposed of normal shoots, stout, and healthy.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Fourth, the process of sedimentation caused

Fourth, the process of sedimentation caused by runoff from agricultural activities mud at the edge of the lake caused the shallow lake. Also, deforestation in the upper reaches of the river causes siltation experience. Automated prPokerVoVo.com Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesiaocess of sedimentation is growing every year, threatening the loss of endemic fish habitat. In the Mahakam River due to sedimentation is difficult to get fish baung and lais.
Fifth, the use of fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly. The case in Lake Sentarum, West Kalimantan, namely the use of traps Warin (gear mesh size <0.5 cm since 2000) led to the decline of fish populations in this area. Sixth, the provision of feed farmed fish threatens the sustainability of fish endemic. The development of fish cage culture threatened endemic Lake Sentarum because feed is taken from Ikana € "a small fish in this lake.
Eight Policy Plasmah protect genetic resources and developing germ based fish farming aquaculture endemic require strategic policy. First, develop genetic breeding endemic fish research. The results of this research will give birth to a genetic bank Indonesian endemic fish, while protecting nutfahnya plasma.
Second, developing centers of endemic freshwater fish farming is capable of providing seedlings / seeds in bulk either for cultivation or rivers and lakes there. These centers are built areas has its own uniqueness and superiority.
Third, the published legislation to counteract genetic resources bio-piracy foreigners doing the typical endemic Indonesian commodities. Provided new law Presidential Decree. 43 of 1978 which states that the type of fish that is protected on the island of Borneo and Sumatra are the Super Red Arowana, Golden Red, Banjar Red, Green Arowana (green) were found in Sentarum Lake National Park and the Kapuas River.
Fourth, preserve the environment public waters (river basins, lakes, water) and water catchment that is able to guarantee the availability of fresh water and prevent sedimentation and water pollution. Prioritize the public waters that already have resources and endangered endemic fish.
Fifth, develop environmentally friendly fishing gear in terms of type, size, or its variants. It would be better to use fishing gear that selects only endemic fish are categorized as unfit for consumption and sale.

Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014Sixth, selecting fish introduction of non-endemic predators, competitors and carriers of disease that would threaten the survival of endemic fish.

Minggu, 01 Juni 2014


Pembubunan required in pineapple cultivation, done on the edge of the avalanche when the beds are frequently watered. Pembubunan should take soil from the ditch or trench around the beds, so the beds are higher and the trench becomes deeper, so that the drainage becomes normal again. Pembubunan serve to improve soil structure and root out the soil surface covered back so that the pineapple plant stands strong. @ Tipspetan

LIGADAUN.COM AGEN TARUHAN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 CASINO TANGKAS POKER ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA 4) Fertilization Fertilization is done after 2-3 months old plants with artificial fertilizers. Fertilization subsequent aftershocks repeated every 3-4 months until the plants are flowering and fruiting. The type and dosage of fertilizer used is: ZA + 100 kg TSP or SP-36 60 kg + 50 kg KCl per hectare. Supplementary fertilizer repeated every 4 months with the same dose. @ Tipspetan 1. At the age of 6 months fertilized enclosure 10 tons / ha. Method of fertilizer application embedded / incorporated into the trench as deep as 10-15 cm between rows of pineapple plants, then cover with soil. Another way: sprayed on the leaves, especially fertilizer solution   900 liters of nitrogen at a dose of 40 grams per liter of urea or urea per hectare. 2. KCL is very useful to produce fruit tastes sweet and sticky. TSP in mature trees and good fruit types. Urea for root growth and leaf
5) Irrigation and Watering Although pineapple plants resistant to dry climate, but for optimal plant growth needed water. Irrigation / watering is done 1-2 times a week or depending on weather conditions. Adult pineapple plants still need watering to stimulate flowering and fruiting optimally. Soil that is too dry can cause stunted growth and fruit pineapple into small pieces.
5. Harvesting
Harvesting is done after pineapple pineapple aged 12-24 months, depending on the type of seed used. Seedlings derived from fruit flower crown at the age of 24 months, to harvest the fruit after the age of 24 months. Plants from stem buds harvested after the age of 18 months, while the root buds after the age of 12 months. The characteristics of pineapple fruit is ready for harvesting: a. Crown of the fruit open.

GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAb. Stalk change the contract. c. Eyes more horizontal pieces, large and spherical shape. d. The color of the base yellow fruit. e. Arise fragrant pineapple aroma and distinctive.