Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

understanding Creative

1 . understanding Creative
Some sense of creativity , namely :
- Creativity is the ability to think about something new and unusual ways and produce a solution that is unique to a problem obat pembesar penis pria.
- Creativity is the ability of a person to find and create something new , new ways , new models are useful for themselves and for society .
- Creativity is the ability to create new combinations , based on data , information , or elements that exist .
- Creativity ( creative thinking or divergent thinking ) is a capability - based data or information available - find lots of possible answers tehadap a problem , where the emphasis is on quantity , efficiency , and diversity of answers .
- Operationally, creativity can be defined as the ability of reflecting the smoothness , suppleness ( flexibility ) , and originality in thinking , the ability to elaborate serata ( develop , enrich , itemize ) an idea .
2 . Creative Kids traits
A creative person is one who has a certain personality characteristic such as : independent , responsible , hard working , motivated, optimistic , have a great curiosity , self-confident , open , tolerant , rich in ideas , etc. .
obat telat bulan Other affective traits that are essential in determining a person's creative achievements are :
-  Curiosity
-  Attracted by the compound tasks perceived as a challenge
-  Dare to take risks to make mistakes or to be criticized by others
-  Not easily discouraged
-  To appreciate beauty
-  Have a sense of humor
- Want to look for new experiences
-  to appreciate both oneself and others
In addition to the above characteristics Utami Jojo (1977 ) through his research in Indonesia mentioned personality traits of creativity that is considered by the Indonesian people , namely :
1 ) Having a strong imagination
2 ) Has the initiative
3 ) Having a broad interest
4 ) Having the freedom of thought
5 ) As a curious
6 ) Always wanted to get a new experience - alat bantu sex penglaman
7 ) Having a strong confidence
8 ) Full of spirit
9 ) Dare to take risks
10 ) Dare to believe and confidence mamiliki
The characteristics of these that need to be developed in the young Indonesia in order to be regarded as the Creative Man .
3 . Factors Affecting the Development of Creativity
There are five factors that can affect creativity , namely :
a. Gender factor
Boys showed higher levels of creativity than in girls . This is due to differences in the approach taken by the environment for boys and girls . Boys are more independent and are given the opportunity to get a good boost from family and teachers , so that they are more indicative of the attitude of initiative and spontaneous .
b . Socioeconomic status
Children who come from higher socioeconomic status tend to be more creative than children from lower socioeconomic status . The possibility of this has to do with upbringing , in which wealthy families more democratic , while in poor families are more otoritarium . Children who are raised with democratic parenting alat bantu sex wanita  has the opportunity to express themselves , their own interests and activities .
c . birth order
Birth order to attract enough experts to see it a little more depth . A number of studies provide results that indicate that there is the effect of birth order on creativity in children . Middle child , children born later are considered more creative than the firstborn . This is because more firstborn expected to obey their parents wishes .
d . for the family
Children from small families cendeung more creative than children who come from large families . In large families , the nature of parenting more otoritarium and will be exacerbated by unfavorable economic conditions .
e . Urban and rural environments
Children who come from urban areas tend to be more creative than children who come from the countryside . Children in rural areas received less stimulation , compared with children who come from urban areas .

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